Brief Description: University of
Sussex is offering 10 research scholarships for international Students
in UK. Applicants must commence their academic studies in the United
Kingdom in September 2014. Scholarship covers international fees and
provides a stipend. Scholarship is tenable for one year in the first
instance, renewable annually for a maximum of three years (36 months)
for full-time doctoral students. February 7, 2014 is the application
Fields of Study: Scholarships are provided to learn any of the courses offered by the University of Sussex in UK.
Program level: The scholarships are available for pursuing research degree level at University of Sussex in UK.
Scholarship Supplier: University of Sussex, UK
Eligibility: Applications will need to identify with
research undertaken at the University in Science and Technology Policy
Research, Sussex Climate Change Network, Sussex Neuroscience,
Mathematics, Sussex Centre for the Study of Corruption, Sussex Centre
for Migration Research, Genome Damage and Stability Centre, Centre for
International Education and American Studies.
-You must be classified as an international fee paying student to apply.
-Applicants must commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom in September 2014.
-Arts, humanities and social sciences – applicants will be expected to hold, by September 2014, the UK equivalent of a first class honours degree and a master’s degree.
-You must be classified as an international fee paying student to apply.
-Applicants must commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom in September 2014.
-Arts, humanities and social sciences – applicants will be expected to hold, by September 2014, the UK equivalent of a first class honours degree and a master’s degree.
Target audience: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Number of Scholarships: 10 Scholarships will be offered.
Duration of Scholarships: A scholarship will normally be tenable for one year in the
first instance, renewable annually for a maximum of three years (36
months) for full-time doctoral students.
Scholarships Value: The scholarship will cover
international fees and provide a stipend which will match that provided
for UK doctoral students by the UK Research Council.
Selection criteria: Not Known
Notification: First choice and reserved applicants notified by 28th
February 2014. Reserved applicants to receive final notification 7th
March 2014.
How can Apply for Scholarships: Applicants are encouraged to apply to the University of Sussex by 31st January, using the Sussex University on-line admissions.
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